When you Transfer-In .ie, .com, .eu, .info, .net, .org, .uk or .co.uk domain names you can get 10% OFF the price. Just insert the voucher code at the cart.
When you purchase our annual Cloud Lite+ web hosting package you will get €5.00 off the advertised price. Just insert the voucher code when you reach the payment cart.
Hosting Ireland is one of Ireland's leading website hosting companies, providing web hosting services to large corporates, government bodies, SME's and startups in Ireland and across the Globe.
Fully ICANN accredited, and accredited with all major domain name registries such as IEDR (.ie), Verisign (.com), EURid (.eu), Nominet (.co.uk), PIR (.org) and Afilias (.info), Hosting Ireland complies with global standards for domain name registration.
Hosting Ireland always aims to deliver great value for money and as such searches registries for the best domain offers and publishes them on this website. To search for your perfect domain go to our main website: hostingireland.ie